Do you have tooth pain in Massapequa Park that you’re worried could be the result of a larger problem? Even though you may feel tempted to ride it out until your pain disappears, that’s not a guarantee, and choosing to put off visiting your emergency dentist could result in even more damage to your smile. Read on to learn about the five types of symptoms in addition to tooth pain that you should visit your emergency dentist for.
Tooth Discoloration
Although tooth discoloration by itself is typically a result of drinking and eating too many stain-causing products, like coffee, when it’s paired with tooth pain, it could be a sign of a more serious issue. If you notice that your tooth is turning gray or brown, it may indicate that the pulp inside the inner chamber of your tooth is dead. If you don’t visit your emergency dentist in Massapequa Park immediately, the infection that killed your tooth may have a chance to spread to surrounding areas in your mouth or other parts of your body.
Dental Sensitivity
Dental sensitivity can be caused by oral health problems or other smaller factors, like underdeveloped or worn-down tooth enamel. It’s important to keep an eye out for visible decay on your molars and between your teeth as well as whether you get morning headaches. Either of these signs could mean that your sensitivity is caused by a teeth grinding condition called bruxism or untreated cavities.
Swollen Glands For An Infection
If your toothache is a result of an infection, it could also cause swollen glands around your neck and jawline. If you notice any swelling, it means the infection has spread, and you need to seek emergency medical attention as soon as possible before it extends to other parts of your body.
Loose Teeth
Loose teeth along with toothaches and sensitivity are all signs of advanced gum disease, also referred to as periodontitis. When gums recede and expose more of the structure of your teeth, it could cause sharp pain and an unstable dental structure due to weakened bone tissue. It’s imperative to visit your emergency dentist to make sure that other teeth don’t become impacted by the disease.
A Bad Taste In Your Mouth
Infected teeth can emit toxins that result in a bad smell or taste in your mouth. If you experience a severe pain in your tooth accompanied with a bad taste or smell in your mouth, a pimple-like bump on your gums, or notice that your tooth is excreting a substance, then you require immediate emergency dental care.
If you notice any of these signs accompanied with a severe toothache, visiting your emergency dentist is necessary to preserve the health of your surrounding teeth and minimize the damage to your gums. When you call a dentist near you, they’ll provide you with over-the-phone first-aid guidance and schedule an appointment for you as soon as possible.
About the Author
Dr. Khalida Stutman is dedicated to advancing her dental skills and providing her patients with high-quality care by regularly completing continuing education training. When her patients are in need of urgent care, she offers fast and pain-relieving emergency treatment as well as dental sedation. For questions or to schedule an emergency appointment, visit The Luminous Smile at South Shore Dental Care’s website or call 516-798-3808.