To get the most out of your denture, you want to make sure you are taking proper care of it. Being lax in that department can cause a denture to lose its fit, causing it to become increasingly uncomfortable over time, possibly creating blisters on your gums. Part of great denture care includes soaking them – a Massapequa Park dentist gives four great reasons why below.
#1: Soaking Kills Bacteria
Oral bacteria naturally increases as we age, and at the same time, the saliva becomes less effective at killing that bacteria – partly due to age and also because certain medications prescribed to older adults can cause dry mouth. That means denture wearers, who are usually older, may have a harder time keeping their prosthetic teeth clean. Soaking the denture nightly helps to remove all that bacteria, which will reduce the risk of issues like gum disease.
#2: The Soak Gets Into the Pores – of the Denture
Did you know dentures have pores? These small holes help the denture look and feel lifelike, but they also make it easier for bacteria to build up in and on the false teeth, causing a foul odor and ultimately damaging your oral and overall health. Brushing alone isn’t enough to get into the pores – you will need a nightly soak to truly reach them.
#3: It Gives Your Gums a Break
Wearing a denture around the clock can be hard on the gums. That’s why soaking at night is extra beneficial – it gives this sensitive tissue a chance to rest after supporting your dentures all day long. If, however, your gums are still sore in the morning, you may want to consider either having it relined, refitted, or even investing in dental implants, which offer increased comfort and security by providing a stable foundation for the denture.
#4: It’s Simply the Best Way to Clean Dentures
As long as you are using a commercial denture soak, which offers the deepest clean, soaking your denture is simply the most effective way to remove bacteria to keep your gums and the denture healthy. Brushing alone just isn’t able to penetrate the nooks and crannies.
In short, soaking your denture is a step you do not want to skip when it comes to routine maintenance. So the next time you are at the pharmacy or supermarket, stock up on some soak and enjoy a fresh, odor-free denture for years to come!
Meet the Practice
The team at South Shore Dental Care offers exceptional dentistry services, including helping patients rebuild their smiles after tooth loss with dentures and dental implants. Dr. Dory Stutman and Dr. Khalida Stutman are the best in the area at transforming smiles with cosmetic and restorative dentistry services. To schedule a consultation regarding either dental implants or dentures, be sure to visit their website or call your dentist in Massapequa Park at (516) 366-3345.