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South Shore Dental Care Blog

What Are Tips for Switching from Dentures to Dental Implants?

October 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 11:08 pm

The more you learn about dental implants, the more you are going to want them to be the long-term solution for your missing teeth. Nothing against your dentures; they’ve helped you out for the last several years. But you’ve done some research and you are getting ready to make a move. Keep reading to learn why you should transition from dentures, what is required to be a candidate for dental implants in Massapequa Park, and what you should know to feel certain about your decision.


How Computer-Guided Implant Placement Leads to an Easier Process

September 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 6:42 pm
Patient talking with her dentist during a dental implant consultation.

Dental implants have long been considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. They’re able to fully restore lost teeth in terms of look, feel, and functionality—and with proper care, they can last for virtually a lifetime. However, they still require a surgical procedure in order to be placed. But thanks to advancements in technology, this process is now easier than ever before! Here’s why you should consider computer-guided implant placement in Massapequa Park if you’re interested in replacing your lost teeth with dental implants.


Is It Ok to Drink Coffee With Veneers?

August 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 6:24 pm
cup of coffee to drink with veneers in Massapequa Park

Are you planning on perfecting your smile with veneers in Massapequa Park soon? If so, congratulations! This phenomenal cosmetic service is an excellent way to virtually erase any type of flaw from your pearly whites. However, if you’re an avid coffee-lover, you may be wondering if you have to give up your favorite beverage once you get the smile of your dreams. After all, staining your veneers is the last thing you want to do! Read on to learn more about how coffee interacts with veneers.


4 Reasons Invisalign Is Better Than DIY Clear Aligners

August 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 3:40 pm
Closeup of patient holding clear aligners

Have you seen the commercials and ads for do-it-yourself clear aligners? Since the marketing makes it seem like you can enjoy the reliability of Invisalign for a fraction of the price, it’s not surprising so many patients are curious about this treatment option. The reality, however, is that it isn’t a good idea for your smile or your wallet. To learn four noteworthy reasons why Invisalign is better than DIY clear aligners, keep reading.


What Factors Influence Dental Implant Cost?

July 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 7:27 pm

When you are contemplating a dental treatment, odds are one of your first considerations is the cost. As you may have discovered, when looking for prices online that information can be difficult to pin down. One procedure with a wide range of estimates is dental implant restoration. If you’ve been considering this treatment, you may have reached this conclusion yourself, as it’s almost impossible to find one answer. There are many factors at play with this tooth-replacement option that affects its affordability. Read on to learn from your implant dentist which variables influence dental implant cost in Massapequa Park.


What Should I Do If I Have a Loose Dental Implant?

July 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 7:12 pm

Dental implants are one of the more advanced tooth replacement options out there. They have all sorts of outstanding benefits and a success rate of more than 95 percent! However, dental implant failures are still possible, and they do happen from time to time. Continue reading to learn from your dentist why you might have a loose dental implant in Massapequa Park and what you should do to address the issue.


Vitamin D Can Make Dental Implants More Successful – Here’s How!

June 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 9:49 am
senior woman grinning with dental implants in Massapequa

Have you recently had your teeth replaced with dental implants in Massapequa? Congratulations – you’re very likely to enjoy your new teeth for decades or even a lifetime to come! Dental implants already have a high success rate, but there’s one way to boost their longevity that you may not have considered: vitamin D. Keep reading to learn how vitamin D could make your dental implants more successful and some tips for getting more of this valuable nutrient.


Should I Consider Freehand or Guided Dental Implant Placement?

June 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 2:47 pm
Model of dental implants.

Dental implants have become the go-to treatment option for replacing missing teeth, and rightfully so! These awesome little implants can completely change your smile for the better, fully restoring its look, feel, and functionality. If you’re interested in receiving dental implants for your missing teeth, you might have a few questions about the process, including their placement. Is it better to opt for traditional freehand placement, or should you seek out guided implant placement? Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of both methods and which one you should consider.


Can You Receive Dental Implants After Menopause?

May 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 6:31 pm
Older woman with dental implants.

If you’ve heard about dental implants, then you probably already know all about the incredible things they can do for your smile! They can restore missing teeth, provide facial support, and diminish any visible wrinkles! However, you might be wondering about how your body will respond to this type of treatment. Can things like menopause affect your candidacy for implants? Keep reading to learn more about the link between menopause and how it can potentially influence receiving dental implants.


Your Dental Implant Is Failing, But Help Is Available!

April 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 1:44 pm
Dental implant diagram.

Dental implants are pretty handy when it comes to fixing a compromised smile—these tiny titanium posts have become widely sought after in the world of dentistry for their impressive results. However, in certain cases your dental implants can fail and jeopardize your oral health! If you have an implant that seems a little loose and you’re beginning to feel concerned, you might not be sure what your options are. Keep reading to learn about why implants fail and what you can expect when it happens.

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